Scottsdale Airport (SDL) is developing a new master plan to guide its future maintenance, development, and operation. The master plan is a proactive document which identifies and plans for future facility needs well in advance. This is done to ensure that airport management can coordinate project approvals, design, financing, and construction. The master plan examines needs over a 20-year period.
Coffman Associates, a national aviation consulting firm specializing in airport planning studies, will prepare the study. The process will take about 18 months to complete, followed by reviews and approvals. The master plan follows FAA guidelines, and the FAA will review and approve two specific elements, the Aviation Demand Forecasts as well as the Airport Layout Plan (ALP), which is the set of technical drawings depicting the current and planned layout of all airport facilities.
The FAA requires certain airports, like SDL, to maintain an FAA-approved ALP, to support grant funding for eligible capital projects. Scottsdale Airport’s master plan was last updated in 2015. The FAA recommends that master plans be updated every five to ten years or as necessary to address changes at the airport and/or in the aviation industry. The airport has experienced increases in based aircraft, operations, and passenger levels in recent years.

The master plan process takes approximately 18 months to complete from initiation to finalization.
Draft chapters will be posted as the study progresses. Files will be in PDF format and available for download and print.
Draft chapters will be posted as the study progresses. Files will be in PDF format and available for download and print.
Documents Available for Download

The Scottsdale Airport Master Plan is a collaborative effort, and we welcome input from the community and airport stakeholders. Public involvement is a key part of the process, ensuring transparency and opportunities for engagement.
The approach to involving the community and airport stakeholders is multifaceted. Four public information workshops will be held during the master planning process. These workshops, which will be conducted in an open-house format, will allow the public and airport stakeholders to participate with the airport master plan team, view informative display boards and ask any questions they may have about the Scottsdale Airport Master Plan. The workshops are typically scheduled in the early evening to accommodate those heading home from work and others who can attend after dinner.
The findings of the Master Plan will also be presented to the Airport Advisory Commission and City Council for approval.
Any interested citizen or airport stakeholder is encouraged to provide comments and suggestions to the airport master plan team. Comment sheets will be provided at the public information workshops or can be submitted online via the Comments Form.
Public Information Workshops
- Project Inception
- Inventory, Environmental and Aviation Forecast
- Facility Requirements and Airside/Landside Alternatives
- Development Concept, Environmental, CIP, ALP, Economic Analysis
How to Stay Informed
Website Updates - The latest project updates and information will be posted on this website.
E-Newsletters – Subscribe to receive email updates on key milestones, upcoming workshops and new information.
Social Media - Following the airport on X (formerly Twitter), Facebook or Instagram.
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Submit Your Feedback
Your input is essential! Share your thoughts in the following ways:
At Workshops – Comment sheets will be available at all of the public workshops
Online – Submit your comments here.
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